Hot Lunch
St. John offers hot lunch each Friday of the school year.  We ask each family to volunteer to serve hot lunch to all of our students at least once or twice throughout the school year.  Many families sign up to serve when their child is having a birthday and they will then be able to serve their child's favorite meal for them.

If you are not able to do this personally because of work, our Hot Lunch Program Supervisor, Mrs. Kathy Van Hecke, will cook and serve the lunch for you.  All you have to do is purchase the food.

Feel like you don't know how to cook for that many children?  Kathy will help with that too! She is an amazing lady and loves to do whatever she can for our school and its children.

The cost of the meals for each student is $2.00.  Many families chose to donate the money collected on their hot lunch day back to school.  Sometimes they designate it for a specific purpose and others just donate it to wherever it is needed.  This is a family's personal choice. If a family chooses to keep the money to pay themselves back for the meal (which some families do choose to do), that is a great decision to make as well.  We want our school families to do what is best for their family.  Donating the money to school is just an option.

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